Our prices are based on the amount of filming and postproduction hours, the number of photographers and videographers at your event. Let us help you find the right package that meets your needs.
Please fill the short form below and our customer service representative will contact you shortly and will be delighted to assist you and find the right package.
Please note that we can adjust any package for your specific needs, we offer discounts and referral programs with the cash back!
If you are looking for the best deal
Elevate your package! Add any item below to tailor your wedding celebration
1 minute teaser film that is good for social media
Additional hour of coverage
Ceremony live stream
Aerial footage
RAW footage delivered on USB drive
4K shooting and editing
Engagement session
Customize your package by adding any item below:
Additional photographer ( 4 hours minimum )
Additional hours of coverage
Engagement session
Our photographers and videographers have extensive experience in the wedding shooting. We also provide professional filming services - from engagements to documentaries and commercials.
They are well-versed in studio shooting, light setting, outdoor shooting, high-quality sound recording and much more.
Event photography and videography
Engagement photo and video shoots
Content for social media
Love stories
BTS photography and videography
Areal videography
Promotional videos
News stories